COVID Impacts Our Sailing Plans…
Real Time Update: In this video, we share our thinking on COVID and its impact on our sailing plans. With the second wave of Coronavirus hitting, we have had to rethink our plans for the next months and decide what is best for us and the boat: to cross the Atlantic or not?
It’s been a seriously tough call to make, we’ve been back and forth for the past few weeks on the decision – and have changed our minds several times! But we’ve decided not to cross the Atlantic this year in the end and will spend the next months on the European side of the pond, hopefully being able to explore other amazing places: Spain, Morocco, Portugal, Madeira and the Canary Islands… Unless we change our plans again! Just kidding.
The decision is still sinking in for us but we’re feeling better and better with it. COVID has taken its toll on everyone this year, and our Plan B is still pretty sweet. Feeling grateful for that.
Thanks for watching and fellow sailors, let us know in the comments how you’ve been thinking about COVID and how much it’s impacted your plans?
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