How Did People Survive Before Washing Machines?! | Ep. 9

Navika Sailing – Video #9

Bonjour! We’re still sailing in Corsica, and enjoying the sweet anchorages and incredible landscapes. We could spend so much more time sailing around Corsica if we could.

We’re still with our friend Dev, and we sail to a place called Campomoro, teaching Dev to sail along the way. We make the rogue decision of going on an all day hike along the rocky, exposed coastline – it’s absolutely boiling, and there is no shade in sight.

We drop Dev off back in Ajaccio, after spending a fantastic week together, doing yoga, making delicious meals, and star gazing at night.

Whilst in Ajaccio, we pick up our new wind generator (an Eclectic Energy D400), and now that it’s just the two of us again, we get on with boat chores… which involves starting with the fun job of doing our laundry and washing our clothes onboard… Lars desperately wants us to buy a washing machine but we have no space for it!

Thanks for watching, hope you’re good wherever you are! Subscribe to our Youtube Channel here if you’re new 🙂